“I’m so blessed to have my breast doctor, Dr. Consorti. I can tell I’ve had three breast surgeries but nobody else can tell outside of me and my doctor. When the test results came back at Stage 0, Dr. Consorti went in as if I had full on cancer and was like a plastic surgeon at the same time. She did a clean around and took anything that looked abnormal out. She said I don’t want you to go through what other women have gone through.”
I don’t care how young you are, you should have a higher chance of living and recovering from breast cancer if you catch it early. Again, I feel blessed my doctor did not wait and that’s why I’m an advocate for regular mammograms.
I’ve also done acupuncture, acupressure, massage—I recently came across a massage that works with my breasts through my homeopath. I believe in western medicine 100% but I think you should be able to do both. You need both to feel balanced, to have a sense of natural treatment. So, I see my acupuncturist regularly.
I look back at the many conversations with my breast doctor who said. ‘I want you to be healthy enough to have a long life on this earth with your son.’ I only have one child and I feel that I had to change the way I eat and the things that I do so that I can be healthy for myself and those that I love and especially for my son.”
(To be continued…)