Now Hiring: Finance and Administration Specialist


…Systems-minded and solutions-focused. You are passionate about administration, project management, and creating/maintaining simple, sustainable systems. You are proficient in working independently while effectively coordinating at the intersection of an organization’s internal operations.

…Rooted in the details while still seeing the big picture. You are patient and impeccably organized, willing to do both complex projects and routine tasks. You enjoy troubleshooting issues and tracking down answers. You herd kittens with good humor and grace.

…A clear and compassionate communicator. You are a service-oriented professional with an aptitude for both written and verbal communication. You respond to requests and inquiries in a timely manner, with kindness as well as clarity. You are committed to maintaining integrity and earning the trust of all stakeholders.

…Tech savvy and able to show up and share. You have a strong, reliable internet connection and computer for participating in regular video meetings and are completely at ease working remotely within cloud-based systems. You are a Google Workspace “super-user” who enjoys passing along tips to teammates as they level up their skills.

…Passionate about integrative medicine. You have a deep appreciation for holistic approaches to health and wellness and love the idea of supporting our clinic as it grows and expands to serve more clients who need us.

If this sounds like you (or someone you know) please click the button below!

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